Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Song: Run For Your Life

I just finished my sixth song at the end of October, "Run For Your Life" -- an ode to a failed supervillain.
Greg Whitehead - Run For Your Life by GWGumby

I worked on this song over much of October. The opening melody with harmonies came into my head one night and kept me from sleeping the rest of the night for fear of losing it. Meanwhile, I kept expanding the melody in my mind until I more or less had a song. I just had to write lyrics for it.

Originally, my mind was using the words "Reach for the sky"--which is what I sing right at the first. Eventually as I began playing with different words, "Reach for the sky" became "Run for your life." I imagined someone who had it good early on, but then failed, and that morphed into an idea of a very successful supervillain with intentions of world domination, who nearly succeeds, but then fails and has the entire world after him. So now with what little he has left, he has to leave and start his life over again on a cool space lair or moon base or something.

Once again, everything here was done by me. The bass and synth noises are all performed on the Korg R3. The piano was from my Roland FP-9 digital piano, with added post-effects to make it sound slightly more like a honkey-tonk or chorus hall style. The percussion is all through VST plug-ins in Cakewalk Sonar. I think it all works pretty well together. I'm particularly proud of the piano solo 2/3rds of the way into the song. I'm not always that great of a player, but I can always go back and fix things by hand; however other than some post-quantization (rhythm fixing), I did the entire solo in a single take.

I delayed posting this a few days until I could make an accompanying YouTube video. I was recently looking at viewing statistics, and even though the videos are usually an afterthought, more people view the video than listen to the widget from SoundCloud. So I figured I'd better keep making them. Once again, I just found a bunch of random images from the web to throw together that basically fit the song.


Unknown said...

Catchy! I like it a lot, and the piano solo is sweet!